Menhir, Fb 8b/b+
This very overhangig problem was opended by Harald Röker in March 2003.Location: Coquibus, Montrouget, next to "La vanne" near the top of the hill, just before and left of an aquaeduct.
Suggested grade: could be a bit harder than Fb 8b, maybe 8b+Menhir is a 9 move sit start problem which requires an enormous shoulder strength.
The crux is to walk into a micro overhead shoulder crimp, to change hands there and reach a super slopy hold at the edge of the overhang.
If you arrive there, the chance to top out is really good, though there wait still some hard moves....
A far move to the overhead shoulder crimp....
![]() extreme change of hands...
... to a super slopy nothing....