Piemonte - Castelmagno


General information                                                             (Back to map Piemonte)

Area Rocca Parvo

Area Cima Reina

Area Colle del Esischie

General information                                                                   (Content)

Situation: In the Valle Grana about 40 km west of Cuneo.
Climate: In the high mountains at an elevation of 1900-2300 m. Snow in winter.
Topo: Bouldertopo iBloc.

Boulder problems
About 170 boulder problems 4 - 7c? in 3 areas

Area Rocca Parvo                                                                                            (Content)

Rock: Limestone/Dolomite
Fog in the valleys.... ...and a great sunny playground up in the mountains!

Area Cima Reina                                                                                                 (Content)

Rock: Kind of Gneiss

sorry, no photos, but the area is sunny kissed and there must be some new and hard problems!


Area Colle del Esischie                                                                                         (Content)

Rock: Kind of Gneiss

The talus offers quite some possibilities for new problems.