Veneto - Passo di Valparola


General information                                                                 (Back to map Veneto)

General information                                                                    (Content)

Situation: At the Passo di Valparola in the heart of the Dolomites.
Climate: Sunny high mountain valley at an elevation of 2195 m. Snow in winter/spring.
Rock: Limestone/Dolomite

Topo: Bouldertopo iBloc.

Boulder problems
More than 50 boulder problems 3 - 7c/8a
  3 -   5+ : ~10
6a - 6c+ : ~30
7a - 7b+ : ~10
7c -   8a :   ~5

Photos                                                                                            (Content)

Excellent boulders on an elevation of 2192 m

Rainer in "6a-Dynamo", 5+

Not really a dyno, nevertheless a beautiful problem!