(29.06.2019) |
NEW! The 2nd edition of the bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc" is available since Thursday, 27th of June and can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(23.06.2019) |
The 2nd edition of the bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc" can be pre-ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(21.06.2019) |
The 2nd edition of the bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc" (GEBRO Verlag) is available prospectively as of 27th of June 2019 and can be pre-ordered soon in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(03.04.2019) |
The 4th edition of the bouldering guidebook "Allgäu-Block" (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(03.04.2019) |
The 2nd edition of the bouldering guidebook "Silvretta-Block" (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(14.07.2018) |
The 7th edition of the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(04.07.2018) |
Schweiz, Sustenpass: As of beginning of July most boulders in the sector "Sustenbrüggli Oben" are still covered by snow. All in the centre of the valley is snow-covered. E. g. from the Propellerhead-boulder only the very top is visible. |
Info |
(04.07.2018) |
Dolomites, Aufhofen: After tree cutting many boulders are blocked with tree branches. |
December 2017
(08.12.2017) |
Sizilien-San Vito lo Capo: The new 6th edition of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
August 2017
Info |
(13.08.2017) |
Allgäu: Because of the extremely humid and tropical summer many crags are permanently humid and the flora is growing rapidly. Bushes, grass and moss start to take over the clean rock. One spot where that happened obviously in the last weeks is "Rockland". The woodcutting over the last while increased the speed of that process and moss is growing fast. A spot which definitely needs a ground up cleaning again is the Einsiedelblock. Please help to keep such walls climbable! If it is dry enough again to climb there, take a good brush with you and keep the boulderproblems clean. Only if everyone plays one's part in keeping the rock clean such walls will stay climbable in the future! |
July 2017
(20.07.2017) |
The new bouldering guidebook "Västervik-Bloc" (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(17.07.2017) |
Switzerland, Engelberg: The forces of wild alpine nature changed the situation in some sectors at Engelberg. Avalanches snapped trees and turned over one boulder, flooding shifted gravel and formed a perfect landing on another boulder. Another news: Stäfeli offers now a crashpad for rent. For further info have a look to the page of the area: "Engelberg". |
June 2017
(29.06.2017) |
If you should be searching for destinations for the summer holiday, you will find a real gem among international boulder-hot-spots in the Swedish Västervik. The town Västervik welcomes all boulderers explicitely and the region offers many free time activities besides bouldering. Just in time the new bouldering guidebook to the area "Västervik-Bloc" (GEBRO Verlag) will be published mid of July. The author Lorenz Ulmer introduces detailed the most worthwhile destinations of the area. |
March 2017
(06.03.2017) |
The 6th edition of the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" (GEBRO Verlag) with about 100 new routes (compared with the 5th edition) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
November 2016
Info |
(16.11.2016) |
Switzerland, Engelberg: The page for the bouldering area "Engelberg" in Central Switzerland has been revised. Many photos and videos have been added, among these also some of first ascents of this year. |
September 2016
Info |
(16.09.2016) |
Magic Wood: A hold broke in "Talon Tradition". For more info see the "Online-Update Topo" with news and corrections to the bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc". Many thanks to Jan for the message! |
August 2016
(31.08.2016) |
The revised new edition of the bouldering guidebook "Les Blocs de la région de Chamonix" is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(08.08.2016) |
Magic Wood: On 20th of August the 7th "Magic Wood Clean Up Day" will take place: 100 Volunteers needed • 09:30 - 10:30: Sign up & Coffee • 10:30 - 11:00: Welcome & Brief • 11:00 - 19:00: Clean Up & Climb • For Volunteers only: from 19:00: Free BBQ, Price Giving, Live Music |
July 2016
Info |
(25.07.2016) |
Magic Wood: The page for the bouldering area "Magic Wood" in the Swiss Avers-valley has been revised completely. Many photos give a good impression now of the different sectors. Furthermore you will find there a weblink to an "Online-Update-Topo" with news and corrections to the new bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc". |
(23.07.2016) |
The new bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc" (GEBRO Verlag) is available now. Here the direct access to the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(12.07.2016) |
The new bouldering guidebook "Magic Wood - Bloc" (GEBRO Verlag) for " Magic Wood" in the Avers Valley in the Swiss Alps will be available prospectively the 23rd of July and can be preordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
April 2016
Info |
(18.04.2016) |
Allgäu: The bouldering area Hinterstein has 700 climbed problems now! Have a look to the updated webpage and see the new statistics. There are also 2 new videos to be found, one with the new method for Yggdrasil (7c/c+). Also some "rules" for a correct ascent have been added. Furthermore there is important info for the correct start of some of the hard problems (Pango, High Density, Jagun) at the Parkplatzwand. |
February 2016
Info |
(02.02.2016) |
Allgäu: To the page for the bouldering area Hinterstein 2 videos have been added. |
January 2016
Info |
(25.01.2016) |
Allgäu: A new article "Block magic in Hinterstein" was added to the articles. |
Info |
(25.01.2016) |
Allgäu: The page for the bouldering area Hinterstein was updated with many photos. |
December 2015
(16.12.2015) |
Sizilien-San Vito lo Capo: The new 5th edition of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
October 2015
(15.10.2015) |
The revised new edition of the bouldering guidebook "Allgäu-Block" is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
September 2015
(09.09.2015) |
The revised new edition of the bouldering guidebook "swissBloc °1" is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
June 2015
Info |
(22.06.2015) |
Climbing in Frankenjura: At the moment the extension of the Climbing-webpage for the Frankenjura is in progress, the page is enhanced with basic info/photos for the crags, if you are interested, just have a short look. |
May 2015
(22.05.2015) |
The new update climbing guidebook "Franken 1/2 plus" for the Northern Frankenjura is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(15.05.2015) |
The new update climbing guidebook "Franken 1/2 plus" for the Northern Frankenjura will be published prospectively on 20.05.2015 and can be pre-ordered now at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
April 2015
(13.04.2015) |
The new edition of the climbing guidebook for the Schwäbische Alb Spätzle & Seil (GEBRO Verlag) with a selection of the best crags is available now and can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
February 2015
Info |
(07.02.2015) |
The page bouldering in France has been modified and photos to the areas which can also be found in the boulderguide BLOCFRANCE have been added. Here the direct links to the different areas: Hottée du Diable • Secteur Dune • Hottée de Gargantua, Laurenzoboulderfels • Hultehouse, Blocs Bo, Roches qui dansent, Bois Laville, Mas de l'Ayre, Lodève. Le Prieuré |
October 2014
(26.10.2014) |
Sizilien-San Vito lo Capo: The new edition of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock (GEBRO Verlag) is available since beginning of October and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
September 2014
Info |
(12.09.2014) |
For the tyrolean (Austria) bouldering area Silvapark at Galtür in the Silvretta mountain range a page with basic info and many photos has been added. |
(06.09.2014) |
The new bouldering guidebook "Silvretta-Block" (GEBRO Verlag) for the tyrolean bouldering area Silvapark close to Galtür in the Silvretta mountain range (Austrian Alps) is available now and can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(03.09.2014) |
Sizilien-San Vito lo Capo: The 3rd edition (12/2013) of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock is temporarily out of print, the new edition will be available prospectively end of September. Some few copies are still available in San Vito lo Capo at the climbing shop "Y. M. C. A." in the mainroad "Via Savoia" 195/197, this is a bit above and on the other roadside of the SISA-supermarket. |
August 2014
(31.08.2014) |
The 5th edition of the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" with 8 new areas (compared with the 4th edition) is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. More books will be available soon, so have a look from time to time to the page of the publishing house, the next days there will be quite a bit activity, both, concerning climbing guidebooks as well as bouldering guidebooks... |
June 2014
(11.06.2014) |
The new climbing guidebook Lechtal-Rock (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
May 2014
Info |
(28.05.2014) |
For the friends of Magic Wood bouldering - ATTENTION! Since March the webpage of the newly founded IG Magic Wood is online. The IG (IG = Interessen-Gemeinschaft = community of interest) organises e. g. the "Clean Up Day" and does all one can to preserve the area in the long run. Everyone who wants to contribute one's share to this imortant work can find an application for membership on the webpage as well as comprehensive information what the IG is doing and planning. |
April 2014
Info |
(24.04.2014) |
Ticino - Cresciano: Since 1st of April 2014 the Ostello, which is situated just below the bouldering sectors is open again: www.ostello-cresciano.com |
Info |
(03.04.2014) |
Fabi Buhl told us in an interview some time ago that in addition to some hard boulder problems there are also some routes on his wish-list for this year. And everyone who knows Fabi a bit can imagine that wishing is not all what he is doing, he also does! Now the young strong guy from the Allgäu, who is also in the climbOn-Pro-Team, did the job properly and repeated the famous clean-route "Prinzip Hoffnung" from Beat Kammerlander in Bürs in a nearly unbelievable short time! More on Fabis Blog. |
March 2014
Info |
(31.03.2014) |
The page bouldering in France has been modified and basic info to some more areas has been added. |
(30.03.2014) |
The bouldering guidebook BLOC FRANCE (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(19.03.2014) |
For all friends of bouldering - ATTENTION! If you like sandstone bouldering, which is considered in general as the greatest fun in bouldering, you will simply love the bouldering guidebook BLOC FRANCE (GEBRO Verlag) which will come out very soon! The Italian/French authors Dario Santacroce & Tamara Guillermain take us on a roadtrip through 10 lesser known sandstone bouldering areas in France between Reims in the north, to some areas in the Alsace, along the valley of the Rhone down to the south to Montpellier. So if you should have no plans for the Easter days yet, the book should be available beginning of April.... The bouldering guidebook can be pre-ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
February 2014
Info |
(26.02.2014) |
Fabian Buhl from the Allgäu is one of the very strong young german guys in bouldering/climbing and since end of 2013 member of the climbOn pro-team. Fabi could repeat such well known problems like Dreamtime, New Base Line or Anam Cara and is extremely motivated to extend his list of hard problems. (--> more) |
November 2013
(29.11.2013) |
Sicily-San Vito lo Capo: The new edition of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock (GEBRO Verlag) is available now and can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
October 2013
(22.10.2013) |
Sicily-San Vito lo Capo: We got in today some remaining copies of the climbing guidebook Sicily-Rock 2nd edition (GEBRO Verlag) which can be ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
September 2013
(25.09.2013) |
The revised new edition of the bouldering guidebook "swissBloc °1" is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
June 2013
(18.06.2013) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
May 2013
(24.05.2013) |
The 4th edition of the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" with 17 new areas and 400 more routes (compared with the 3rd edition) is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(24.05.2013) |
The new edition of the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" will be published on 01.06.2013 and can be pre-ordered now at the GEBRO Verlag publishing house in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
April 2013
(30.04.2013) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(29.04.2013) |
The new climbing guidebook "Blautal-Rock" for the crags of the Blautal, only some minutes by car to the west of Ulm, is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(22.04.2013) |
In the area Foppiano not far from Domodossola in northern Italy there have been developed many new problems and the area has at present more than 500 problems. The page to the area has been updated now... |
(17.04.2013) |
The 2 volumes of the Mexican Rock Climbing Guidebook just came out these days, in this books you will also find the information to numerous bouldering spots. Both volumes are available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(17.04.2013) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
August 2012
Info |
(20.08.2012) |
Allgäu - Rottach: The access to the "Hohle Gasse" wich is closed from 1st of January each year due to bird protection is open from now on until the end of the year. |
Info |
(20.08.2012) |
In the boulder area "Magic Wood" in the Swiss Avers-valley the "3rd Magic Wood Clean Up Day" takes place beginning of September. During the day all should be collected what was lost during the year in the forest. Here the link to the official press text (German language Version). |
(20.08.2012) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(07.08.2012) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
June 2012
Info |
(03.06.2012) |
Allgäu: There do exist things you can't believe until you see it with your own eyes! At the Alpseehaus in Bühl there can be found a boulder block now! More, photos and topos on the new page for the Alpseeblock Immenstadt-Bühl. |
November 2011
(10.11.2011) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
September 2011
Info |
(14.09.2011) |
Allgäu: 20-years anniversary of Bergsport Maxi! From Thursday (15.09.) to Saturday (17.09.) Bergsport Maxi in Kempten (Klostersteige) celebrates the 20-years-existence of the successful mountain shop which is definitely worth a visit! |
August 2011
Info |
(23.08.2011) |
Allgäu - Rottach: The access to the "Hohle Gasse" wich is closed from 1st of January each year due to bird protection is open from now on until the end of the year. |
(21.08.2011) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(05.08.2011) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
T-UP |
(05.08.2011) |
Tinos - Thanks to Rich Lenham there is a summary update available now as download at the Tinos-Online-Update-Topo (T-UP). Some more news also to the sector Kakia Skala. |
July 2011
(24.07.2011) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(24.07.2011) |
New problem "Schummeltag" in the sector Haupt 1; More info in the Online Update-Topo Avers (AV-UP) |
Info |
(13.07.2011) |
Allgäu - Rottach: Due to bird-protection the access to the "Hohle Gasse" (sector B, block 30 and 31) is closed starting from 1st of January each year. Bouldering and climbing is not possible during this period. The end of the closure is handled flexible, information to the end of the closure can be found on signs at place and in the www (a rough benchmark for the end of the closure is the period between beginning of July and beginning of August). |
June 2011
(08.06.2011) |
After some months without there is finally the new Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
May 2011
(13.05.2011) |
The new edition of the Frankenjura guidebook volume 1 "Franken 1" for the northern part of the Northern Frankenjura is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
April 2011
(22.04.2011) |
It took quite a long time to find the time again, but here it is: The actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
March 2011
(23.03.2011) |
The new climbing guidebook "Sicily-Rock" for the crags around San Vito lo Capo in the north-west of Sicily is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlags in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(11.03.2011) |
On 26.03. the boulder contest "Block-Challenge 2011" takes place in the boulder gym "Blockzone" in Potsdam. |
February 2011
Neu |
(01.02.2011) |
Some time ago we introduced the area Resconorio. Now the areas Las Tuerces and Santa Gadea have been added. All 3 areas are lying not too far from Santander in the north of Spain and are described in the new bouldering guidebook "Gadea Y+". |
December 2010
T-UP |
(29.12.2010) |
Tinos - 2 new problems in the sector Livada Beach on Boulder 25. |
Important! |
(29.12.2010) |
Massive problems in Albarracin! Read more... |
November 2010
New |
(12.11.2010) |
Resconorio is the first of 3 bouldering areas around Santander in the north of Spain which are described in the new bouldering guidebook "Gadea Y+". Now the area is introduced here with some basic info and many excellent photos. |
October 2010
(28.10.2010) |
Finally there is a news-page for Magic Wood in Averstal: Online Update-Topo Avers (AV-UP) |
August 2010
(17.08.2010) |
The new edition of the Frankenjura guidebook volume 2 "Franken 2" for the southern part of the Northern Frankenjura is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(12.08.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Info |
(08.08.2010) |
In the GEBRO-Online-Shop during the last days ordering was not possible outside of Germany because of an error which occurred after the change to a new shop-system. This problem is solved now and ordering is possible again worldwide from many countries. |
Article |
(07.08.2010) |
Tour-de-Bloc - Philipp Hrozek on a 8-month bouldering worldtrip |
Info |
(06.08.2010) |
At the area Grimselpass in Switzerland this winter/spring happened some rockslides. This concernes the sectors Schwarzbrunnenbrücke and Elfe. |
(05.08.2010) |
After some months without there is finally the new Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(02.08.2010) |
The new bouldertopo "Gadea Y+" for the 3 areas Santa Gadea, Las Tuerces und Resonorico close to Santander in the north of Spain is now in the distribution program of the GEBRO Verlag publishing house and is available in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
July 2010
Info |
(12.07.2010) |
FESThalten 2010! Finally Germany's biggest
sport climbing area Frankenjura has its own climbing-festival!
FESThalten 2010, the 1st Gössweinsteiner
Kletterfestival takes place from 20.-22.08.2010 and
offers a full program: Party with bands, DJ's, boulder-wall,
pull-up contest, slacklines, 130m cableslide, waterslide,
belly dance, stalls,....
More info at www.festhalten.com |
June 2010
Info |
(17.06.2010) |
In the GEBRO-Online-Shop there occured a system error and orders have not been possible in the last days. This error is repaired now and ordering is possible again. |
May 2010
(25.05.2010) |
The new bouldertopo "swissBloc °1" for Switzerland is available now and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(08.05.2010) |
The Frankenjura-guidebooks published by the GEBRO Verlag are available now as a "Franken-Bundle" to SPECIAL OFFER conditions and can be ordered at the GEBRO-Online-Shop. Also the single book "Franken 2" is greatly reduced. |
(06.05.2010) |
The new bouldertopo "swissBloc °1" for Switzerland is prospectively available from 25.05. on and can be ordered soon at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. Together with this the bouldering webpage for Switzerland has been modified and some new areas have been introduced. |
April 2010
Important! |
(15.04.2010) |
At "Wuselwandl" bouldering is not longer possible because of the planting of new trees. More soon... |
Video |
(09.04.2010) |
On the Fontainebleau-page there is a short video from the "fôret magique"... |
March 2010
(25.03.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
February 2010
(19.02.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Article |
(17.02.2010) |
With the development of the "Burgverlies" and "Wuselwandl" two excellent new bouldering spots have been created in the Allgäu area. For a first overview here some photos and a video: Allgäu-update winter 2010. |
(11.02.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(04.02.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
January 2010
(30.01.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Tip |
(24.01.2010) |
If you are interested in professionally organised climbing-, bouldering- or hiking-holiday you should have a look to the brand-new webpage Hellas Adventures. |
(22.01.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(20.01.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Article |
(17.01.2010) |
Block-Attack - Manuel (Manu) Oberfrank's boulder highlights in spring 2009 - a short report plus some action-photos now available also in English. |
Info |
(16.01.2010) |
The French webpage "Kairn" tested the Climb On!® products, here to the test results. |
Info |
(15.01.2010) |
The Climb On!® Bar has been chosen Best Lotion Bar as part of "Natural Solutions" magazine's Beauty With a Conscience Award and outperformed all other clean solid lotions tested! More on the Climb On!® webpage. |
Article |
(10.01.2010) |
Update to the bouldering in the Allgäu-area: Allgäu-Update fall/winter 2009. |
Tip |
(10.01.2010) |
New in the Shop: • For sunny ski- and climbing-days: Climb On!® Mineral Sunblock • Everything you need for bolting routes: Bolt Products |
New |
(07.01.2010) |
To the pages for Austria the new bouldering spot "Supermann" close to Feldkirch has been added with a PDF-Topo. |
(01.01.2010) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
December 2009
(12.12.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(12.12.2009) |
On the page CLIMBING many areas are added to the pages for France. |
New |
(03.12.2009) |
.On the Tinos-page can be found info now to the history of the development there. |
November 2009
Info |
(02.11.2009) |
In autumn 2009 in the Allgäu area the motorway A7 from Kempten to Füssen and the new 4-lane B19 from Waltenhofen to Sonthofen have been finished. Therefore it could happen that there are slight changes to some getting theres described in the climbing guidebook "Allgäu-Block" or there are faster ways to get to some crags now. One change is in the description for the area "Rottach". Instead of turning left to Martinszell you have to take the exit Martinszell/Oberdorf, then continue to Martinszell. |
October 2009
(15.10.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
September 2009
T-UP |
(18.09.2009) |
Tinos - A link to a webpage with a topo to climbing routes on Tinos has been added to the Tinos-Online-Update-Topo (T-UP). |
new route |
(06.09.2009) |
Allgäu climbing - If you climb also with rope and you are interested to do this in the holiday region Allgäu, you can get the info about new routes and more in the Allgäu-Online-Update-Topo (A-UP). The online-update-topo will be permanently updated, so just have a look there from time to time. From now on new entries will be listed on the starting page of the page CLIMBING. |
Article |
(04.09.2009) |
Block-Attack - Manuel (Manu) Oberfrank's boulder highlights in spring 2009 - a short report plus many action-photos (at present only in German). |
August 2009
T-UP |
(30.08.2009) |
Tinos - New problems have been added to the Tinos-Online-Update-Topo (T-UP). |
New |
(27.08.2009) |
Allgäu climbing - For the climbing in Allgäu there does exist now an Allgäu-Online-Update-Topo. More on the page CLIMBING. |
T-UP |
(21.08.2009) |
Tinos - New problems have been added to the Tinos-Online-Update-Topo (T-UP). |
New |
(20.08.2009) |
Tinos - For Tinos a Tinos-Online-Update-Topo has been created including a new contact-mail to submit news. |
July 2009
New |
(25.07.2009) |
In the sector climbing areas the region "Haute Savoie" (Departement 74) in France has been added. The first area which is introduced here is the area "Chalune", others will follow soon. More on the page CLIMBING. |
Info |
(15.07.2009) |
In the last issues of "Climb!" and "Bergsteiger" you can find a product presentation of the Climb On!® products - see "Pressemeldungen" at www.climbon.de |
(07.07.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(07.07.2009) |
Here an article which describes what "bouldering" is and how it was introduced in the Allgäu some years ago. |
June 2009
(29.06.2009) |
The new web-shop Outdoorsports24.com with a big selection of articles for the following sports is online now: Mountaineering, Climbing, Ice-Climbing, Via Ferrata, Nordic Walking, Bike, Snowboard. The bilingual shop (German / English) is clearly constructed and even offers live-support online. |
(26.06.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Article |
(19.06.2009) |
Das Erbe - Helmut Kotters climbing year 2008 - a short story with some nice pics. |
(07.06.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(02.06.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
May 2009
new route |
(16.05.2009) |
Allgäu: In the last weeks some new climbing routes in the grades 9 to 11- have been developed in the Allgäu. More routes have been bolted recently and will be finished soon. As soon as these have been done you will find an "Allgäu-Update" on this webpage. |
April 2009
(11.04.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(06.04.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Frankenjura. |
(01.04.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
March 2009
(23.03.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(09.03.2009) |
The new edition of the bouldertopo "Allgäu-Block" is available since Moday 2nd of March and can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
Info |
(09.03.2009) |
At the personal wish of Ferran Guerrero Hervas we clearly want to clarify at this point the following:
February 2009
(18.02.2009) |
The new edition of the bouldertopo "Allgäu-Block" is available prospectively from 27.02. on and can be ordered soon at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(17.02.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(16.02.2009) |
Albarracín - Important additions as PDF-download to the sector Tierra Media and more on the Albarracín-page. |
January 2009
(28.01.2009) |
On Saturday, the 7th of February 2009 the 4th bouldernight takes place at the informpark in Oberstdorf. More info on the webpage of the informpark. |
New |
(24.01.2009) |
The new edition of the bouldering guidebook "Allgäu-Block" is soon to come out (see also the info at the GEBRO Verlag). Therefore the overview map on the Allgäu-page has been updated, the new areas have been added to map. The info to some of the existing bouldering areas has been updated as well and detailed pages for the new areas will be introduced in the near future. |
(18.01.2009) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
December 2008
New |
(23.12.2008) |
New Climbing area on the page CLIMBING. |
New |
(22.12.2008) |
In the sector climbing areas a page for France is in development. The first area which is introduced here is the area "Boffi" in the Gorge de la Dourbie. More on the page CLIMBING. |
(20.12.2008) |
Beginning of December some members of the Climb On!® Team made a short trip to Fontainebleau. Though they had difficult conditions the boys could pull some hard problems. Not always but at least at some of the problems the video camera was running during the ascent. To the video.... |
New |
(05.12.2008) |
Allgäu: New walls for bouldering have been developed in the last days. Last Saturday Harald Röker could do the first ascent of a new traverse at the crags of the "Neue Welt": Alcatraz, ~8a/a+ |
new route |
(05.12.2008) |
Allgäu: Mid of October Harald Röker opened a new route at the area Starzlachwinkel. The grade is somewhere around 10..10+, a name for it is still missing. |
new route |
(05.12.2008) |
Allgäu: Already some weeks ago Daniel Gebel could realize the first ascent of the old project "Der Hammer" (~ 8b+) at the Weihar. |
November 2008
(30.11.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(22.11.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(21.11.2008) |
The new bouldering guidebook for Spain "eBloc" is available since last Wednesday! |
(15.11.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(14.11.2008) |
The Spain-bouldertopo "eBloc" is available prospectively from 19.11. on and can be ordered now at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(11.11.2008) |
Allgäu: To get through the bad weather in the coming days, here a small appetizer: Christian Bindhammer making the first repetition of "Golden Gate" (~7c) at the wall with the same name. To the video.... |
New |
(09.11.2008) |
The areas on the Spain-page have been updated, furthermore the areas Zarzalejo and La Pedriza have been added. |
New |
(08.11.2008) |
Allgäu-Update fall 2008 to the bouldering in the Allgäu. |
Info |
(06.11.2008) |
The new bouldering guidebook "eBloc" for Spain including Albarracin, Navalosa, El Cogul and 9 other spots will come out in about 3 weeks. |
(06.11.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
October 2008
new route |
(15.10.2008) |
Allgäu: Yesterday the "Tratschwelle" in the Neues Tiefenbach was done, the grade is ~8a. |
new route |
(12.10.2008) |
Allgäu: Today in the Neues Tiefenbach "Professor Dr. Abdul Nachtigaller" got a first ascent, the route is about 7b+. |
new route |
(12.10.2008) |
Allgäu: On Saturday the second project at the Wiwogitrumu-Festung got its first ascent: "Zoppo Trump" is somewhere in the range 8a to 8a+. |
new route |
(12.10.2008) |
Allgäu: Some days ago I got a message from Bene Karg that he climbed his project now at the Trimm Dich Wand: "Langer Weg zum Glück" (9+). |
New |
(10.10.2008) |
new route |
(10.10.2008) |
Allgäu: At the Wiwogitrumu-Festung the leftmost route is done now: "Kalle Wirsch", somewhere in the range 7c+ to 8a. This is quite sure the first tufa-route in the Allgäu. |
(10.10.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
September 2008
(08.09.2008) |
The new "Allgäu-Rock" is available since some days! |
August 2008
(27.08.2008) |
The completely revised edition for the sportclimbing guidebook "Allgäu-Rock" ist available from 03.09. on and can be ordered now at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
New |
(20.08.2008) |
Many Thanks to Daniel Bodemer for the bouldering update Sirgenstein (Blautal) (page only in German language). |
Tip |
(18.08.2008) |
Now the article to the boulder areas in the Val d'Ossola is also available in an English version. The areas around Domodossola are perfect for a last minute summer trip or your coming holiday in autumn. |
July 2008
(08.07.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(09.07.2008) |
Allgäu-update to the bouldering in the Allgäu. |
(08.07.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(07.07.2008) |
Bouldering in the Allgäu - a new slideshow-video is online on the Allgäu-page. To the video.... |
June 2008
Info |
(07.06.2008) |
Please use another parking for the Kraftboulders in Hindelang. For some climbing crags should also be used other parkings, more on the KLETTERN-page. |
May 2008
(24.05.2008) |
The new sportclimbing guidebook for the Schwäbische Alb "Spätzle & Seil" with selected crags from the GEBRO Verlag publishing house is available now! |
(19.05.2008) |
The sportclimbing guidebook for the Schwäbische Alb with selected crags called "Spätzle & Seil" will be available prospectively from 21.05. on and can be ordered from now on at the GEBRO Verlag in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
New |
(14.05.2008) |
Schleier again: Helmut (Heli) Kotter presents himself still in an excellent springtime-climbing-form! After doing the first repetition of "Mongo" (9a) at the Schleier Wasserfall about 2 months ago, yesterday he succeeded under the cooling influence of the Schleier-waterfall in "Das Erbe der Väter" (8c+), another big testpiece of the sportclimbing dorado in the "Wilde Kaiser"-mountains in the Austrian Alps. Soon more.... |
(13.05.2008) |
Some changes also on the Climbing-Page. New maps for the world, Europe and Germany are added and the page for the climbing area Schwäbische Alb is under construction. The Blautal part is already online (only in German so far). |
(13.05.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Info |
(09.05.2008) |
The Lorünser Wändle does not exist any more More details on the Lorüns-page. |
(06.05.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
April 2008
(17.04.2008) |
A sportclimbing guidebook for the Schwäbische Alb with selected crags will soon be available at the GEBRO Verlag. Here a preview for the book. |
New |
(17.04.2008) |
DWS - Deep Water Soloing in the Allgäu - the new spot at the Alpseeklippe close to Füssen. |
WP |
(16.04.2008) |
Actual photo on the page with Weather-Pictures for the Allgäu. |
(16.04.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(13.04.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Info |
(11.04.2008) |
A new access exists at the Magic Wood (Avers-valley) and the guest house "Generoso" offers accomodation again. More... |
New |
(07.04.2008) |
On the Italy-page in the region Piemonte the Valle Maira has been added. |
March 2008
New |
(23.03.2008) |
Schleierhaft - Helmut (Heli) Kotter did the first repetition of "Mongo" (9a) at the Schleier Wasserfall (Austria). |
New |
(16.03.2008) |
On the Spain-page the area Burguillo has been added. |
(16.03.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Info |
(11.03.2008) |
As the article to Tinos was in the latest issue of the KLETTERN-magazin, you will find the quicklink to TINOS here. |
(08.03.2008) |
The bouldering guidebook Tinos-Bloc is ready! The book is availabale at the GEBRO Verlag and can be ordered in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
New |
(07.03.2008) |
Allgäu-update to the bouldering in the Allgäu. |
(07.03.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
February 2008
New |
(29.02.2008) |
A new domain-name for the Bouldering in Tinos is online: http://tinos.blocheart.de |
(29.02.2008) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(25.02.2008) |
In the next edition of the KLETTERN-magazin you will find an detailed article to the Greek bouldering-dorado TINOS. The guidebook to the area Tinos-Bloc is available prospectively at 10th of March at the GEBRO Verlag and can be pre-ordered now in the GEBRO-Online-Shop. |
(21.02.2008) |
About 4 months ago the last RCR came out, 4 months of research and intensive work on new bouldering guidebooks. I hope to find a bit more time in the next time to update the rock conditions more frequently. Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(03.02.2008) |
Here the announced report to the Tinos-trip, there you will find photos to almost all sectors of the area. Besides the Tinos-page has been updated. |
January 2008
(21.01.2008) |
Pushing the Aegean Limits - On 9th of January 2008 Harald Röker creates with "Kreativity" Fb 8b a new highlight in the Greek bouldering. |
New |
(21.01.2008) |
On the Tinos-page can be found now detailed info how to get there, about accomodation,... A report about the last Tinos trip will follow soon. |
New |
(20.01.2008) |
New download available of the Topo for the Spielplatzfels close to Urach on the Schwäbische Alb. |
New |
(14.01.2008) |
December 2007
New |
(22.12.2007) |
New video from the Starzlachklamm filmed this afternoon. |
New |
(21.12.2007) |
Tip |
(20.12.2007) |
The "2nd Tinos-boulder-expedition" starts after Christmas. More here. |
New |
(19.12.2007) |
Here an actual Weather-picture for the Allgäu. |
New |
(19.12.2007) |
On the Spain-page an area close to Madrid with a video has been added. |
New |
(19.12.2007) |
Some new photos to Targassone in the French Pyrenées. Topo to the area available now at the GEBRO Verlag. |
New |
(17.12.2007) |
On the Spain-page the areas St. Joan and Cervià are added. |
New |
(16.12.2007) |
On the Spain-page the area Navalosa has been added. |
November 2007
New |
(16.11.2007) |
On the Spain-page you can find new areas with photos directly from the research for the bouldertopo E-Bloc for Spain. |
Tip |
(01.11.2007) |
New article to European winter-destinations. |
October 2007
Tip |
(30.10.2007) |
Info |
(28.10.2007) |
On Saturday the 19th of January the 3rd bouldernight takes place in the informpark in Oberstdorf. For further info check www.inform-oberstdorf.de/aktuelles in the next days. This time also powered by Climb On! and the GEBRO Verlag. |
New |
(26.10.2007) |
A topo for the bouldering on the Greek island Tinos is for inspection now at the diving-club "DIVING IN BLUE" in Tinos-Town. See the new map on the Tinos-page. |
New |
(23.10.2007) |
New map for Spain and a new area on Mallorca: Vall de Son Marc. |
(13.10.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu and a new Weather-picture. |
New |
(13.10.2007) |
Despite the difficult conditions we can note some new hard problems (mostly traverses) in the Allgäu this year. |
(13.10.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(13.09.2007) |
New page with Weather-pictures for the Allgäu. |
(13.10.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
(09.10.2007) |
The topo for the bouldering region Chamonix is available now at the GEBRO Verlag. |
Tip |
(09.10.2007) |
Article to the climbing and bouldering paradise Haute Savoie at the base of the Mont Blanc. |
New |
(09.10.2007) |
New photos from Chamonix. |
(05.10.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(04.10.2007) |
Grade-table comapring the Fontainebleau boulder grades with UIAA and french climbing grades. |
September 2007
(30.09.2007) |
12 areas around Chamonix now added to these pages. The guidebook to these areas can be ordered at the GEBRO Verlag. |
!!! |
(29.09.2007) |
Please leave no matresses or carpets at the walls! There is absolutely no place for them in the nature! |
(27.09.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(26.09.2007) |
Update for the Averstal and some more photos. |
Tip |
(09.09.2007) |
Autumn-boulder-destinations in the French and Italian Alps. |
New |
(06.09.2007) |
Here is further info to the french bouldering areas Annot, La Capelle and Targassonne. |
(05.09.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
New |
(04.09.2007) |
The Italian regions Lombardia and Emilia Romagna are updated and some areas are added. |
New |
(01.09.2007) |
The Italian region South Tyrolia - Trentino is updated, the regions Veneto and Friuli - Venezia Giula added to these pages. |
August 2007
(31.08.2007) |
Here is the actual Rock Condition Report (RCR) for the Allgäu. |
Photos |
(29.08.2007) |
Here some photos from the 2 areas Fuchsloch and Pass Luftenstein in the Saalachtal made on a short visit there last week. |
Tip |
(21.08.2007) |
Bouldering areas in high altitude offer good conditions in summer. A cool tip for hot days is e. g. the Rifugio Levi Molinari in the Valle Susa or the Rifugio Barbara in the Val Pellice, both in Italy and described in the bouldering guidebook "iBloc". |
New |
(17.08.2007) |
New map for France and first info to some areas (some more photos will follow soon). |
Tip |
(16.08.2007) |
Perfect for the hot season: The high altitude bouldering areas Sustenpass and Steingletscher in Switzerland. See the new photos to these areas! |
(09.08.2007) |
July 2007
New |
(30.07.2007) |
New bouldering area added: the Saalachtal in the region "Salzburger Land". |
![]() |
(17.07.2007) | New list with "child friendly" cliffs for the climbing guidebooks "Franken 1" and "Franken 2". |
Info |
(16.07.2007) |
Statement from Dr. Volker Schöffl about Climb On! products. |
June 2007
Info |
(27.06.2007) |
Some new sample pages have been added to the description of the bouldering guidebook iBloc. |
New |
(22.06.2007) |
South Africa and Mexiko are available now also in English and directly added to these pages. |
Link |
(22.06.2007) |
The link on this page to the boulder problem Menhir in Fontainebleau was wrong, now it should work... |
New |
(22.06.2007) |
Some Austrian bouldering areas added to these pages. More will follow as well as photos to the areas. |
New |
(19.06.2007) |
Many Swiss bouldering areas added to these pages. |
(10.06.2007) |
Climb On! Products available now for resellers in Austria at Harycane Climbing! |
May 2007
Infos |
(31.05.2007) |
In Kempten opened the new Mammut-Store. Maxi, Hubert and the whole team will welcome you and a visit is really worthwhile! |
(18.05.2007) |
The new bouldertopo "iBloc" for Northern Italy is available since 2 weeks now! Detailed info on the webpage of the GEBRO Verlag. |
April 2007
(26.04.2007) |
The new bouldertopo iBloc will prospectively come out the 04th May 2007 and can be pre-ordered now in the GEBRO Verlag Onlineshop! |
Info |
(26.04.2007) |
The climbing guidebook "Stetten im Remstal" now also available in the GEBRO Verlag Onlineshop! |
New |
(26.04.2007) |
Here is finally the basic info to the new granite hot-spot not far from the lago di Garda: Valle Daone is the new magic word! |
Photos |
(26.04.2007) |
Many new photos to the Italian areas Val di Mello, Foppiano, Monte, Valdinferno, Triora and Varazze. |
(26.04.2007) |
March 2007
New |
(26.03.2007) |
New boulder problem in Rottach. |
New |
(24.03.2007) |
Update to Christian Bindhammers new problems at the Starzlachklamm and a new problem at the Parkplatzwand! |
New |
(18.03.2007) |
New boulder area in Tiefenbach. |
Info |
(17.03.2007) |
You want to know how the conditions are in the Allgäu? Here is the actual RCR for the Allgäu! |
Photos |
(14.03.2007) |
New Photos to the Italian areas Passo Valparola, Valbondione and Lagoni. Rumour has it, that there is a new granite hot-spot close to the Lago di Garda.... soon more... |
New |
(13.03.2007) |
Yesterday Christian Bindhammer could free a monster project in the Starzlachklamm ! |
(10.03.2007) |
A new GEBRO climbing guidebook for the climbing garden Stetten im Remstal fresh from printing today and available now! |
Info |
(07.03.2007) |
The countdown is running: Only a few weeks left until the bouldering guidebook i Bloc will come out! 352 pages, more than 4000 problems in 32 areas in the Italian Alps and Appennins! You are looking for new world-class destinations? Here we go... |
February 2007
Info |
(10.02.2007) |
General information about the rock conditions in winter. |
Weather |
(06.02.2007) |
The Winter is coming back to the Allgäu, here a Weather-picture looking from Knottenried towards Rottachberg. |
Info |
(04.02.2007) |
1st Allgäu RCR (Rock Condition Report) |
January 2007
Info |
(25.01.2007) |
On Saturday, the 17th February the 2nd bouldernight is held in the informpark in Oberstdorf. For further info check www.inform-oberstdorf.de/aktuelles in the next days. |
(11.01.2007) |
New Greek high-end boulderproblems on Tinos! |
Info |
(10.01.2007) |
Complete change of the page for Greece including now the new European topclass area Tinos! |
December 2006
Info |
(18.12.2006) |
The Dschungelbuch, one of the biggest and most important climbing areas of Tirol is standing before its blowing-up! The operator company of the nearby quarry wants to blow-up about 100 routes for "stabilization" reason! This
can be prevented by the officials of the town Zirl - so we should
all demonstrate, that there is a wide public interest in the
future of the climbing area Dschungelbuch! How? very easy: subscribe at www.blocmaster.com/dschungelbuch and send this text via E-Mail to many, many people... |
Topo |
(13.12.2006) |
Rumour has it that there is a new wall called Untere Maiselwand in the Allgäu... |
Info |
(12.12.2006) |
Completely new features on the bouldering-webpage and the work is still going on.... |
Photos |
(12.12.2006) |
New photos of Oberallgäu/Ostallgäu/Tirol |
Info |
(12.12.2006) |
Yes, there was a dry wall in the Allgäu area last Sunday: new Wall with 4 new problems up to ~7c! |
Weather |
(09.12.2006) |
The Winter is coming to the Allgäu, here a Weather-picture looking from Knottenried towards Rottachberg. |
Info |
(09.12.2006) |
New webpage www.harycane.de and changes of pages in the next weeks and days. Links to sub-pages of the URLs www.gebro-verlag.de and www.harycane.privat.t-online.de could change eventually! |
Info |
(09.12.2006) |
This bouldering webpage is bilingual now (German/English) and available also on the URL www.blocheart.de! |
(06.12.2006) |
Several boulders have been recently chipped at Fontainebleau. Climbers have realized a banner "NO CHIPPING". Respect the nature and the efforts of first ascents and leave the boulders as they are! | |
(06.12.2006 |
End of November Harald Röker manages to solve 2 projects at the Parkplatzwand and the Obere Maiselwand: "Jagun" 8b/b+ and "Chrystalt", 8a+ |
November 2006
New |
(26.11.2006) |
New straight up at the Parkplatzwand from Harald Röker:"Afterwork" 7c+/8a |
New |
(25.11.2006) |
New traverse at the Parkplatzwand from Christian Bindhammer "Ripper" 8b/b+ |
New |
(25.11.2006) |
New traverse at the Quellwand from Harald Röker: "Herzattacke" 8a, and some changes of grades |
New |
(25.11.2006) |
New straight up at the Obere Maiselwand from Harald Röker: "Trockenzone", Fb 7c |
New |
(25.11.2006) |
New straight up and comment to some grades at the Kammeregg |
Photos |
(24.11.2006) |
New pictures to some italian boulder-areas. |
September 2006
Info |
(28.09.2006) |
Bouldertopo Allgäu-Block available now! Here to the Shop. |
Info |
(19.09.2006) |
Boulderführer Allgäu-Block coming out 28.09.2006 |
Info |
(06.09.2006) |
New access in the Averstal and changes at the inn "Gasthof Edelweiss" |
August 2006
New |
(12.08.2006) |
New straight up in Freidorf: "Horribus" Fb 8a+ |
Bilder |
(11.08.2006) |
New pictures to the bouldering areas in the Allgäu, Oberallgäu/Ostallgäu/Tirol |
Info |
(06.08.2006) |
New basic-info to the Allgäu boulderareas |
(04.08.2006) |
New straight ups in Freidorf: "Vollgas" Fb 8a+/b, "Pangissimo" Fb 8b and "Sending day", Fb 8a. Here some pictures of the problems. |
January-July 2006